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( )51. It’s Wednesday afternoon. You can go to _______. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. visit the museum B. play soccer C. play basketball AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )52. If children want to watch new films, they should go to _______. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. 16 Yangtze Road B. 108 Green Road C. 106 Green Street AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )53. If you dial (拨号) 66387901, you can _______. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. order fast food in a restaurant AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
B. do some shopping AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
C. have a good story time AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )54. Lily’s father is ill. She should dial _______. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. 800-120-9847 B. 79210583 C. 6878745l AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )55. You CANNOT get any information about _______ from the two notices. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. looking for a hotel B. doing eye exercises C. taking a taxi AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
B AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In Japan, most students take trains to school. In China, it depends on (取决于) where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, students usually go to school by boat. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
For many students, it’s easy to get to school. But for the students in some poor places in the world, it’s difficult. Many children in the world have to go to school in the most unimaginable (最难以想象的) ways. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
Remember Liangliang in our textbook? He lives in a small village in China. There is a big river between his school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So he has to go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. But Liangliang says that he is not afraid because he loves school.AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库

  Students at Sanghiang Tanjung village in Indonesia (印度尼西亚), have to hold on to (抓住) the side steel bars of a bridge as they cross a river to get to school. How dangerous!But they say they love their school. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
Donna, an 8 year old girl lives in a mountain in Mexico (墨西哥). It takes her 4 hours and a half to climb the mountain to school. There is a lot of danger along the way, but she isn’t afraid. She says, “I want to learn more and leave the mountain one day.” AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
How great they are!It’s important not to forget that, in some parts of the world, some children are determined (坚定的) enough to receive education (接受教育). AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )56. ________, most students go to school by train. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. In America B. In Japan C. In China AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )57. How does Donna go to school? AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )58. The ________ student has to go on a ropeway over the river to school. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. American B. Indonesian C. Chinese AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )59. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. In villages in China, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
B. It’s difficult for the students in some poor places in the world to go to school. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
C. It takes Donna more than 4 hours to climb the mountain to school. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )60. What’s the passage mainly about? AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. The dreams of the children in some poor places. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
B. How children go to school. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
C. How Donna gets to school in Mexico. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
C AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
In the morning, we went camping along a path in Green Natural Park. We were happy because it was a sunny day. We were expecting an enjoyable two-day holiday. On the way, we kept singing and making jokes. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
However, in the afternoon, when we finished our picnic at one o’clock, it was dark and windy. Soon, there was a shower. Unluckily, none of us brought an umbrella. We ran about but we could find no place to hide. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining. There were hours to go before we reached the campsite (野營地). It was even worse that our small compass (指南针) showed that we went to the wrong way. We had lost our way! AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库

  We had to make a quick decision as it was raining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom helped to set up the tent. Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm. But we were unable to light the fire, as everything was wet. We dried ourselves, chatted (聊天) and waited inside the tent. At about five o’clock, it stopped raining. We decided to give up the camping trip because all of us had been very tired.AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库

  This camping trip may not be very successful but we know each other better. And the most important thing I’ve learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )61. The writer went camping in Green Natural Park . AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. for 4 hour B. for 2 days C. in June AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )62. It was even worse that they . AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. had no picnic B. lost their way C. couldn’t light the fire AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )63. Chris suggested that they should in the rain. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. set up a tent B. reach the campsite C. keep singing AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )64. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. It was sunny in the morning. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
B. None of them had an umbrella. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
C. They ran about to dry themselves. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )65. The writer has learned the importance of from the trip. AXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
A. making a decision B. working together C. enjoying holidaysAXU阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库


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网友评论(共有 0 条评论)

  1. [填空题]由外国的传教士参加编撰,系统地介绍了欧洲的天文学著作,吸收了欧洲历法的成果的著作 是【】。
  2. [单选题]【】地处内蒙,一手挽着大兴安岭,一手牵着松嫩平原,被称为“塞外苏杭”。
  3. [填空题]话剧 《 谷文昌 》 中,谷文昌对治理“沙虎”充满信心,吕县长笑话他是白日做梦,因为东山岛的风沙是多年的顽疾,谷文昌却说:“做梦咋啦?咱共产党人不就是凭着这点【】,这点信念,才从无到有,从弱到强,打下
  4. [单选题]为了兼顾节能与舒适,盛夏时室内空调设定温度不应低于度【】。
  5. [单选题]当前,我们正处于信息化建设第【】次浪潮的起始期。
  6. [单选题]雄安新区生态环境优良,发展空间充裕,是集中承接北京非首都功能疏解的首选之地,将高起点规划,引领未来城市的发展。图1是雄安新区位置示意图,据此完成1~2题。
  7. [单选题]“我到过许多地方数这个城市最年轻它是这样漂亮令人一见倾心不是瀚海厘楼不是蓬莱仙境它的一草一木都由血汗凝成.. … 著名诗人艾青的这首诗中“年轻的城”是指现在的【】。
  8. [单选题]采用引漳灌邺的方法使得邺城民富兵强,成为战国时期魏国的东北重镇的人是。
  9. [单选题]中国历史上首次采用古今对照,双色绘画的地理图是。
  10. [单选题] 为纪念辛亥革命一百周年,我国邮政部门发行了邮票和小型张,小型张上革命先驱孙中山先生题写的建国方略是“【】”。
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