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Gina’s mother found that her daughter never shared anything with her friends. She also found children didn’t 31 to play with her daughter. They said Gina always made them 32 . YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
Then Gina’s mother told her the film of an ant (蚂蚁) and a dove (鸽子). YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
“One day an ant fell into a 33 and tried to save herself. A dove got a leaf and let it fall into the river close to the ant. The ant 34 onto it and went to the bank (岸). Later, a man came and wanted to catch the dove. The ant stung (蜇) them on the foot. The man stood up and the sound made the dove fly away. It 35 that if you are kind to others. you will be treated well.” YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
Gina remembered the story from then on (從那时起). Later, she helped her classmate Rita with math 36 Rita was not very good at it. Rita also studied Gina in some ways. YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
One day, Gina was asked to 37 the waste paper in the classroom. It was easy for her to finish the work herself. Rita helped Gina 38 the classroom, which made Gina 39 of the story of the ant and the dove. From that day on, Gina realized the 40 of friendship, and she began to enjoy helping others. YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )31. A. remember B. promise C. like YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )32. A. patient B. easy C. excitedYKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库

     ( )33. A. hole B. forest C. river YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )34. A. jumped B. ran C. climbed YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )35. A. stops B. says C. means YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )36. A. because B. and C. though YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )37. A. hand out B. pick up C. put on YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )38. A. check B. leave C. clean YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )39. A. use B. look C. think YKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库
( )40. A. importance B. trouble C. factYKW阿拉题库(|我的题库|免费题库


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网友评论(共有 0 条评论)

  1. [填空题]由外国的传教士参加编撰,系统地介绍了欧洲的天文学著作,吸收了欧洲历法的成果的著作 是【】。
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